Digital parties, meditations, random coffee, and so forth. All in one.
Employee happiness & team building
How it works
Thrive. Homa is your cool company campus. Remote
Homa has all your team could ask for: digital parties, meditations, team swag. We'll guide your thru, don't worry.
Track. Survey your teammates for free
We'll show you who's at risk and needs special care,
and who's your up-and-coming rockstar.
Nurture. Work with your personal concierge
We appoint you a human agent on day zero. Having been trained in culture design and HR, they aid you wherever.
Your team is the key to your startup’s success, and Homa is the key to your team
I’m a firm believer that team and culture is what makes a top notch startup. Great teams laugh together and love what they’re doing — and Homa makes it come true for Replika! Homa took all the mundane, helped me build strong fellowship within company, and, essentially, turn my team into A-team.

Homa helps foster freedom and bias for action in my people, and does it exceptionally well.
Founder & CEO at
Eugenia Kuyda
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